I am Licensed to Judge and award C.C’s to the following A.N.K.C. Gundog Breeds and FCI Breeds.
* Chesapeake Bay Retriever
* Curly Coated Retriever
* Flat Coated Retriever
* Golden Retriever
* Labrador Retriever
* Murray River Retriever
* Novia Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
* Brittany Spaniel
* Clumber Spaniel
* Cocker Spaniel
* Cocker Spaniel (American)
* English Springer Spaniel
* Field Spaniel
* Irish Water Spaniel
* Sussex Spaniel
* Welsh Springer Spaniel
* English Setter
* Gordon Setter
* Irish Setter
* Irish Red & White Setter
* German Shorthaired Pointer
* German Wirehaired Pointer
* Hungarian Vizsla
* Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla
* Pointer (English)
* Weimaraner
* Italian Spinone
* Lagotto Romagnolo
* Large Munsterlander
* Spanish Water Dog
At Open Show Level I am approved to judge Hounds (Group 4) and Working Dogs (Group 5).
I have judged in all states of Australia officiating at Breed Championship Shows & many All Breeds Championship Shows which are too many to list.
*Listed below are International Specialty & Semi-Specialty appointments we have judged together at-
“The Finish Golden Retriever Club” (Goldenring) Championship Show in Tulln, Finland.
The previous day I judged part of a Gundog Group – Setters & Spaniels
Judging Gundogs over two weekends, both these shows were officiated over a two day period (4 days of Judging).
One was in the North of Sweden (Gavle) and the other in the South of Sweden (Helsingborg).
New Zealand:-
The Central Golden Retriever Club of New Zealand Specialty Championship Show
The Southern Golden Retriever Club in Levin New Zealand
The Gundog Club Spectacular in Auckland New Zealand
The Golden Retriever & Labrador Retriever Club Specialty Championship Shows in Seoul, Korea.
Jakarta Indonesia:-
The Golden Retriever Club of Indonesia Presidents Cup in Jakarta attracting an International entry from throughout Indonesia and Asia of 114 exhibits.
My Specialty & Semi Specialty judging Appointments in Australia include-
The United Retriever Semi-Specialty Championship Show in New South Wales,
The Golden Retriever Club of Tasmania Inaugural Show
The Gundog Club of Tasmania Special Classes
The Gundog Club of NSW in Sydney
The Palmerston Gundog Club Championship show in Darwin.
The Golden Retriever Club of Western Australia in Perth
The Golden Retriever Club of South Australia in Adelaide
I am extremely committed to furthering my knowledge and experience within the Dog World.